Paul Beauvoir (1932-1972) 30"x24" Casas Óleo sobre lienzo #1-2-95MIA
Paul Beauvoir (1932-1972) 30"x24" Casas Óleo sobre lienzo #1-2-95MIA
About this artist
About this artist
Paul Beauvoir played an essential role in the evolution of modern Haitian painting. Although still figurative, his work is a study of color, where orange, yellow, and blue predominate. Strong demarcation lines with backgrounds of yellow color characterize his impressionist style. Mr. Beauvoir joined the Centre d'Art and later the Foyer des Arts Plastiques. Paul Beauvoir "...Using referential forms of Haitian daily life, his work is chiefly based on color effects" Peintres Haitiens by Gerald Alexis
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