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Serge Moleon Blaise 20"x24" 1972 Oil on Board Painting #13-3-96GSN-Fondation Marie & Georges S. Nader

Serge Moleon Blaise 20"x24" 1972 Oil on Board Painting #13-3-96GSN-Fondation Marie & Georges S. Nader

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Serge Moeon Blaise, the renowned contemporary Haitian painter from Cap-Haitian, signed this beautiful and original 20"x24" oil on board painting of a rural scene with people walking on the streets. The internationally well-acclaimed art critic Gerald Alexis carefully chose the artwork as part of the Marie & Georges S. Nader Foundation collection. Our gallery will issue a certificate of authenticity upon purchase.

About this artist

Serge Moleon Blaise was born in Cap-Haitian, Haiti, on June 20, 1954. Blaise works closely with his brother Saint-Louis and devotes himself to works inspired by Haitian history. His work manifests the meticulous refining of images, which become eloquent representations of the subjects’ heroism. Proud of his countrymen’s courage, Blaise focuses his work exclusively on their glorious feats of arms and historic struggles for independence. (La Peinture Haitienne/ Haitian Ats by Marie-José Gardere & Gérald Bloncourt, Nathan Edition, pp. 87) Several Haitian art books mentioned his work.
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